Who We Are 

Assured Evidence, LLC is a verification services provider that specializes in fingerprinting and notary services on-site in our location at Garfield Heights, OH or off-site at clients’ location. We strive to serve both individuals and business professionals, enabling every person to program in their careers while abiding by government regulations. We provide FBI and BCI services for all individuals employed in the healthcare, security, public transportation, education and other industries. We also perform notarial acts for all documents that can or are required to be notarized including power of attorneys, wills, loan documents, and other legal documents.

Delivering to Northeast Ohio

Assured Evidence is a Northeast Ohio company that is excited to serve our local and regional community. We offer our services to all individuals or businesses in the Greater Cleveland Area and offer mobile services to customers in and out of Greater Cleveland. Click here to see the list of the counties we service and the associated travel fees.


Assured Evidence and Your Business

Here at Assured Evidence, we are eager to work with small and medium sized businesses to provide all necessary employee background check services. If you are a SME and frequently require employees to be fingerprinted, contact us and we can provide your business with background check services. Click here to fill out a partnership request form.